Whiley v0.3.15 Released!
Friday, May 25th, 2012
Finally the next release of Whiley is upon us! There are a few useful improvements in this release. In particular, compile-time verification of constraints is again functioning and can be enabled with a switch.
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Whiley v0.3.14 Released!
Wednesday, March 7th, 2012
Finally, it’s time for yet another release. The main change with this release has been a reworking of the compiler framework into a more serious build system called, unsurprisingly, the Whiley Builder System (wybs).
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Design of the Whiley Compiler (Wyc) Front-End
Monday, February 13th, 2012
Designing the front-end of the Whiley Compiler (Wyc) is a somewhat delicate and complicated issue. I have iterated on this a few times, and still not found a solution I’m happy with.
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Whiley v0.3.13 Released!
Tuesday, January 24th, 2012
Well, it’s been almost two months in the making, but here’s the next release of Whiley. Quite of lot of changes, although there remain significant issues to resolve — particularly with the front-end.
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Whiley Talk at Wellington JUG (VIDEO)
Thursday, December 22nd, 2011
Last month, the Wellington Java User Group was kind enough to invite me to give a talk on Whiley. The talk is a general introduction to Whiley, including the syntax, some issues related to implementation and inter-operation with Java.
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Whiley v0.3.12 Released!
Friday, December 2nd, 2011
Well, crikey, what a long time since the last release. Things haven’t changed a whole lot, apart from various bug fixes. Probably the most interesting update is the inclusion of reference counting of compound structures to enable in-place updates and prevent unnecessary cloning.
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Not all Tests are Passing ... is that so Bad?
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011
For the Whiley compiler, I currently have over 500 end-end tests and in excess of 15,000 unit tests (most of which were auto-generated and target the type system). Each end-end test is a short Whiley program that is categorised as either valid or invalid.
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Whiley v0.3.11 Released!
Friday, October 28th, 2011
As usual, it’s been a surprising amount of effort … but the next release of Whiley is available! It’s been quite a long time since the last update, but then quite a lot has improved.
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Whiley Gets Funding!
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
I’m pretty excited to announce that I have been awarded a prestigious Marsden Grant to support research on the Whiley project over the next three years. This is obviously great news for Whiley, and will go a long way towards making the project a reality.
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Whiley v0.3.10 Released!
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011
Well, it’s been a tough slog. But, finally, we have a new release of Whiley!! The main thing that’s improved over the past few weeks is the underlying type implementation. This was causing problems before, as programs which should type-check were failing and vice-versa.
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